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RANT: NODJ's New Schedule

Well avid readers (Carlos and McBallsenstein) just a quick update to how we will be releasing content here at NODJ. What with the economy and busy schedules we have moved to streamline our updates, so we will now be releasing content Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. That's not to say we may not fire off literary gold on any other day, but our main days for updates will be scaling back from 5 to 3. The hard hitting, and award winning (awards pending) content will be the same, but just come out less frequently. That is it in a nutshell, so keep on coming by!

Don't Fret! We're still the same ol NODJ!
P.S. Me having a newborn has NOTHING to do with the changes.
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Carlos Capiro on :

*I appreciate you guys working so hard on this blog; reading it provides disinfectant for my eyes after reading Kotaku's blah-blah-blah, we are gawker owned so we can do whatever we want, drivel. It's so refreshing :-) Keep up the great work and I'll be sure to keep spreading the work via reddit and digg.

Deathwagon will resume soon! BF3
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