RANT: 100 Words For Our 100th Rant
Well it took a little over 2 years, but we have arrived at our 100th rant here at NODJ! It's been a great journey, and while we don't always have the breaking news, or even the most relevant topics, we strive to keep it honest, and not burden our devoted readers with Axe Body Spray ads....yet. If there's one thing we can all agree on, it's that the medium we love so much (video games for you newcomers) gives us PLENTY to talk about. I can't imagine trying to write a blog on some of the less popular hobbies, like say model trains, stamp collecting, or professional basketball. There simply is just so MUCH going on in the gaming world at all times that we can always find something to comment on. However, not only are video games changing the landscape of the blogosphere, they are also introducing literally hundreds of new words and phrases into our everyday vocabulary. Like almost no other industry, the games industry constantly creates new terms to help explain itself. Sometimes it goes even further, releasing games that influence the world far beyond their circle of adoring fans. The words Grand Theft Auto used to refer to a measly felony, now those three words represent something entirely different. Just google it and see what happens. For our 100th rant I am going to attempt to throw together a list of 100 words and phrases that video games have either created, made their own, or forced into the minds of those who don't even realize how far electronic gaming has invaded their world.
You'd be amazed how many power points this stock photo shows up in!
One quick disclaimer: I work in a game studio....so I may have a more lenient scale. Also, not all these words are exclusive to video games. I'm sure a lot of them started out as D&D or other Almasy-likes-type-games. But remember: D&D doesn't have non-stop ads featuring Hollywood-funny-fatties-gone-skinny blowing shit up. Ok, in the unforgettable words of Nathan Drake "here we go."
100. Power Up
99. Level Up
98. Boss Battle
97. Head Shot
96. Life Bar
95. Graphics
94. Respawn
93. Hit Points
92. Magic Points
91. Bonus Round
90. Mid Boss
89. Checkpoint
88. Prone
87. No-Scope
86. Kill-streak
85. Own
84. Pwn
83. GG
82. WOOT
81. Noob
80. Noob-tube
79. Live (as in Xbox Live)
78. Madden
77. COD
76. WOW
75. E3
76. Curb Stomp
75. Spawn Camp
74. Mario
73. Camper
72. 1337
71. Kill to Death Ratio (KTD)
70. LAN Party
69. Air Combo
68. Combo
67. Special Move
66. Cheap
65. Over Powered (OP)
64. Air Juggle
63. Red Ring of Death
62. Frame Rate
61. Port
60. Load Times
59. DLC
58. Expansion Pack
57. Episodic Content
56. Tea Bag
55. Gib
54. Frag
53. Rocket Jump
52. Unblockable
51. Bullet Time
50. Load Screen
49. Crash
48. Combo Breaker
47. Double Jump
46. XP (Experience Points)
45. Fatality
44. Super Move
43. Cloud Saving
42. DRM
41. Motion Controls
40. Wii
39. Next Level
38. Next Gen
37. Hub
36. Mount
35. Loot
34. Lag
33. Ping
32. Pre-Order
31. Controler Rumble
30. Analog Stick
29. D-pad
28. GTA
27. Gran Turismo
26. Console
25. "Gamer"
24. Co-op
23. Death Match
22. Achievements
21. Halo
20. Resident Evil
19. Uwe Boll
18. Unlocks
17. Kevin Butler
16. FPS (First Person Shooter)
15. FPS (Frames Per Second)
14. Single Player
13. RPG (Role Playing Game)
12. Avatar
11. Bunny Hop
10. Cut Scene
9. High Score
8. Hit Box
7. Spawner
6. Free to Play
5. Micro-transactions
4. Invisible Wall
3. Skill Tree
2. Quick Time Event
Whew! What a list! Yet, this hardly even scratches the surface. In our ever evolving gaming world, it is kind of awe inspiring to realize just how far reaching the scope of video game culture will stretch. From the designers to the marketers, the players to the uninformed onlookers, no one can escape the flood!
You tell me who won.
I'll leave you with an ad lib you can do using the words from the list above:
We had just got to the _noun_, when out of nowhere _noun_ _verb_ out of his/her _noun_ spraying _noun_ and _noun_ all down into our _noun_. Nine months later we _verb_ to the hospital, where Dr. _noun_ delivered our _adjective_ baby _noun_.
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STRIKER22 on :
*Married to Dorthy Man-tooth, she is a saint.
STRIKER22 on :