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RANT: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year From NODJ

What a year it's been! Thank you to all our loyal readers, new readers, casual readers, illiterate readers, and a special warm holiday "something" to Amberlee and her Russian spam-bot entourage. We here at Not Our Day Job have had a banner year and put out more content than ever before to a (for the most part) larger audience than ever! I'd especially like to thank my partners in crime, Abortion Fist and Almasy Marquis: Take a bow boys. While we focus on games here at NODJ, I'd like to take a quick look back at some of the happenings within the "Is our day job" times of our lives!

From our family to yours, Merry Christmas!

In no particular order here are some of the headlines from the NODJ staff this year:

- Abortion Fist and Mrs. Abortion fist become official: Imdb cred, blogosphere fame, the ability to eat Pop-Eyes chicken with no adverse affects, and NOW a wife as well! Abortion Fist is doing it big!

- Almasy saw snow for the first time in his life: We are Floridians, and while there are a slew of jokes that come bundled with that, Almasy, never have being in snow, was actually a true typification. We rectified that. With a vengeance.

- MURDERNATOR enjoyed a sandbox game: Saints Row the Third. No lie.

- Almasy built a badass new PC: Played Rage...

- Fist got a snazzy 7d camera: New videos inbound?

- Almasy discovered Henry's Kitchen: Spiraled into uncontrollable depression 6 minutes and 19 seconds later.

- MURDERBABY born: As foreseen by the prophets "unto him was born a baby.. GIRL!?!?" MURDERNATOR is now the proud dad of a pugnacious, overly critical, newborn daughter. Fathers, hide your sons.

- Abortion fist travels the globe: Still could not catch Carmen SanDiego, or kill Makarov.

- Almasy escaped Facebook: He'll be back....

- No one at NODJ buys or plays Skyward Sword: We're professionals.

- Fist comes back to PC gaming: Leaves 19 hours later after declaring "FUCK THIS GAME" to a stunned BF3.

- MURDERNATOR purchases 8 guns in a year: Next year I'll double my efforts!

- Everyone at NODJ watches Thor movie: Misery loves company.

- Almasy was introduced to the joys of home ownership: Door to door broken windshield repair girls torment him night and day.

- Jurassic Park game is released: Almasy and MURDERNATOR shuffle away and pretend they didn't see it.

- NODJ keeps the economy going by spending thousands of dollars on gaming: All without a bailout mother fuckers.

- Like every dictator or "bad guy" around the world is ousted or killed: AMERICA!

Well that about wraps it up. Again a heartfelt thank you to you readers. NODJ will be taking a week (maybe 2) off over the holidays to regroup, but we'll greet you next year with the same up-to-the-minute, hard hitting, unbiased, and most importantly: relevant, opinion-based-bitch-fests you've come to expect from us!

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