RANT: Off The Haterade
It's been almost two years since I posted my initial reaction to the new direction for the Devil May Cry franchise. I, like many others, had an initial knee jerk reaction of disbelief and anger at having a beloved franchise abandoned by Capcom: left in the hands of a stranger who would surely not be able to deliver on the promise of a good DMC game. Well, here we all are, a little older, a little wiser, but still as opinionated and critical as ever. Yet, the more I see of Ninja Theory's take on the young Dante adventures, the more I feel that this game could actually be pretty good.
Honestly, Japanese or European made, Dante is a dick bag.
Before calling me a traitor and a coward, check out these vids. Apart from the appearance of Dante, does anything strike you as NOT Devil May Cry?
The move-set, the enemies, the platforming, the nonsensicalness of, well everything, it all screams DMC. Squint hard enough and it's hard to realize Dante is even changed. He still talks like a cocky, punk ass bitch, and now looks the part too. The games heart is definitely in the right place, and it looks like the gameplay is following suit.
After years of watching gameplay videos for upcoming games, I have become fairly good at preventing horrible purchases. While videos of Ninja Gaiden 3, and Resident Evil: Raccoon City sent douche chills down my spine, nothing I've seen from the DMC videos has even given me the slightest bit of alarm. Sure Dante looks different, but the gameplay looks solid.
In Capcoms never ending quest to get the Westerners to make their games for a Western audience, it seems like DMC may actually turn out to be a solid game. Heavenly Sword was overly villainized and Enslaved seemed decent, if not stellar. So with NG going to shit, Bayonetta 2 nowhere in sight, Kratos retired, and the 3rd person action game just sort of dying off in general, I am waiving all my unfounded preconceived hatred of the new Dante and going forward with arms wide open, hoping that the new Devil May Cry can deliver. Time will tell, I may be eating my words soon enough, but until then keep hope alive.
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