I just finished Vanquish. I know, late to the party. It was FANTASTIC. In my opinion it's a better game mechanically than Gears of War. However, I bought Gears of War 3 day one for $60, and let Vanquish pass me by until almost a year later when I bought it used from Gamefly for $5. Why is this? Sadly it's because Vanquish, along with many other games just don't/can't make the $60 argument.
I was afraid it would happen. Ever since I saw the trailer ages ago, some part of me knew I wouldn't be able to resist a new Ace Combat game. I tried to fight it off, but alas, Ace Combat: Assault Horizon looks like a ton of fun.
With Battlefield 3 just around the corner, my murder-boner is reaching unsustainable levels. I keep passing in and out of consciousness as each new trailer comes out. It's been far, FAR too long since I've been able to engage in 64 player mayhem (sorry MAG, you just didn't cut it) and with BF3's release so tantalizingly close I feel it's time to look back and run down just why Battlefield offers an experience like none other. Today I bring you the top 10 most rewarding kills to pull off in a Battlefield game!
Well guys, Not Out Day Job (NODJ to you pros out there) tentatively turns 2 years old today. We had some videos posted before the 7th of Sep 2009, but our official "Grand Opening" was 2 years ago today. Over the years we've changed how we've done some things, added new writers, and as of late started keeping updates more regular. As we look forward to NODJ's 3rd year of life, we would really, REALLY, like to know what our readers think about the site!
El Shaddai is not a game that I expect a lot of people will play. That's a shame. I had heard nothing about it. In fact the only reason it even blipped on my radar was that one lunch Almasy downloaded the demo, and we were intrigued and impressed by the visuals and the gameplay was solid. I decided to try it out using Gamefly; I'm glad I did.
You guys ever have one of those games that you just can't "get" but you love it to death anyways? It's the characters, or the story, or the game-play, or the art that hooks you and makes you feel compelled to play it. Then you pick up the controller and just get repeatedly thrashed until you are just sitting there, with a hurt look on your face, wondering "why do I even like this fucking game?!?" You shut it down in disgust. Yet sure enough, an hour later, you put it back in expecting to have your love reciprocated THIS time, only to once again be bent over a barrel and punished for your naivety. Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike is that game for me.
This casting call will do its best to cast the inhuman characters from Tecmo's beloved Ninja Gaiden. We'll skip the history lessons and jump right into a movie using the more current (read xbox onward) versions of the game's cast. As a movie based on the paper thin plot of Ninja Gaiden will not be shooting for Oscar winning human interaction, a lot of the cast could be made of people who at least look the part. Think Ninja Assassin meets Super Mario Brothers and we have a jumping off point for how excellent this movie would be!
So it's no news to anyone that this holiday season is going to be a "Caligula" scale orgy of quality games, but one that may get overlooked by the masses is the spiritual successor to the outstanding Demon's Souls: Dark Souls. Without the immediacy for online modes shared with friends, or any chance of spoiler alerts being spouted at the work urinals, I am NOT planning on picking Dark Souls up at launch. Rather I will wait it out and pick it up in 2012 when the summer doldrums hit. This isn't to say I'm not excited for the game. For the most part everything I've seen about the game has been stellar. That is until I saw THIS.
So, going about my usual day of internet browsing and receiving links from friends, something struck me today: Gears of War 3 is coming out soon! With all the excitement I've been feeling over every new pixel of Battlefield 3 or Uncharted 3 that's being released, I sort of lost track of the lovable Gears. There's so many huge games coming out this holiday season that my brain cannot fully compute what is releasing when. It's too much for anyone, really. As far as I'm concerned, I stand to be losing over $500 dollars in games between now and Christmas. ...Oh, wait. I need a new video card for BF3... $1500 between now an Christmas. With all of the recent vids coming out of Gamescom, though, the volume on Gears 3 got turned waaaaay down. That is, until in the space of 12 hours, I was assaulted with a Gears 3 media blitz from the most unconventional of places.
I would try and make a clever joke here, but I added a The View reference. Sorry.
I'd like to think of myself as somewhat up to date with the goings on in video game land. I lived my life holding myself in high esteem, and with a sense of unflappable self confidence. That all changed when Shadows of the Damned just sort of came out without me knowing anything about it. Stuff like this isn't supposed to slip under my radar. Apart from a brief and obscure trailer from E3 I had seen nothing on this game. I knew it was those crazy boys over at Grasshopper working on it though and that it had some Japanese heavy hitters associated with it, so as soon as I realized I'd slept on it's release I double timed it to get a copy via GameFly. What I ended up playing was an experience like none other that I've experienced in quite a while.